New Members

Congratulations! You’ve completed your Ordeal and are now a full member in Order of the Arrow, entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership. However, your journey in the Order of the Arrow is only just beginning. A world of opportunity is now open to you as a member of Unami Lodge, One. This page will help you as take the next steps on your membership journey and explore the wonders of the Order of the Arrow.

Join in the Fellowship – Come Out to a Lodge Activity

From the beginning, you can continue your active membership in Unami Lodge, One by attending a variety of lodge activities, including:

  • Lodge Service Weekends held each April & May. Come out and perform cheerful service at our council camps, meet fellow arrowmen, and participate in some awesome evening programs!
  • Lodge Fellowship Weekends held in October. Perform a half day of cheerful service, and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon and evening of exciting activities! Also, come out and vote in the yearly Lodge Officer Elections.
  • Section E17 Conclave held in early June. Each lodge in the section – the 10 lodges from the councils surrounding us – takes turns hosting this action-packed weekend of training, fellowship, and fun! The 2023 Section E17 Conclave’s theme is “Brotherhood Beach Bash” and being held at Citta Scout Reservation.
  • Annual Dinner held every January. The oldest standing event in the Order of the Arrow, our lodge banquet highlights the accomplishments of all the members of the lodge throughout the year, recognizes the recipients of awards for outstanding and camp service, and begins the term of the new lodge officers.
  • Community Service Day held in March. Held in three distinct areas throughout the council, the Community Service Day is a way for members of our lodge to give service to our local communities. Past locations have included Pennypack Park, Mount Moriah Cemetery, and the Valley Forge Medal of Honor Grove.
  • Find out when all of these great events are happening on the Lodge Calendar, and sign-up to join in the fun & fellowship. Also, be on the look out for information about special events for new members!

Chapter Information

As a member of Unami Lodge, One, you are also a member of a chapter – a smaller portion of our lodge – which corresponds to your district of the council. Each chapter has a chapter chief, a chapter vice chief, and a chapter secretary, as well as a chapter adviser. Each chapter holds monthly meetings and activities for its members. Chapters also are responsible for conducting unit elections in your home unit and assisting with camp promotions.

Get Involved & Join a Committee

There are 15 operating committees of Unami Lodge, One, all eager for you to become a part of and help with. Read a brief description of the work that each committee does and click on the committee name to contact them and get involved!

American Indian Affairs - responsible for the American Indian components of the lodge, including dance and drumming, and represents the lodge at section, regional, and national gatherings in competitions.

Brotherhood - assists Ordeal members in taking the next step in their membership journey by sealing the Bonds of Brotherhood and organizing Brotherhood opportunities throughout the lodge year.

Camp Promotions - works in collaboration with the Cradle of Liberty Council Camping Committee to promote summer camp and year-round camping opportunities at Musser Scout Reservation and Resica Falls Scout Reservation.

Ceremonies - performs the induction ceremonies at lodge events and special ceremonies as needed and creates and maintains pieces of the lodge’s ceremonial regalia.

Communications - responsible for any and all communications with lodge members, including posting on social media, maintaining the lodge website, and preparing the monthly e-newsletter, The Unami Update.

Events - plans and executes all lodge activities, including the three lodge weekends held each year and the annual lodge dinner, by coordinating such elements as program, scheduling, and food.

History - responsible for keeping the records of Unami’s storied past, including past award recipients, historic photos, and compiling information for the lodge history book.

Leadership Development - coordinates the training of lodge members as needed, including annual training for the lodge executive committee, unit elections, and elangomats, amongst others.

Lodge Operations - oversees the operating rules of the lodge, making amendments as needed, as well as the administering of all lodge awards.

Membership - responsible for the maintaining of all lodge membership records, coordinating new member events and engagement, and oversees all steps of the membership journey.

Ordeal - assists newly elected candidates in completing their ordeal during lodge weekends and summer camp through serving as Elangomats – friends to help members on their journey in the Order of the Arrow.

Service - coordinates service performed throughout the year by the lodge at lodge weekends and the Community Service Day, and other council events where the lodge’s assistances is needed.

Unit Representative - provides unit representatives with important information about the lodge to share with members from their home units.

Unit Elections - keeps track of all elections held throughout the lodge year for troops, crews, and ships, as well as communicates with elected candidates as they prepare to complete their ordeal.

Vigil Honor - recognizes members of the lodge for dedicated service to the lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, and the Scout camp with the Vigil Honor at the annual Vigil Honor induction weekend, as well as providing continued servant leadership to all facets of the lodge and the Cradle of Liberty Council.

Seal the Bonds of Brotherhood

As an Ordeal member, your focus should be on providing leadership to your home unit. After 6 months as an Ordeal member, you have the opportunity to take the next step in your membership journey and become a Brotherhood member. As a Brotherhood member, your focus should shift to now serve the lodge as well, and providing leadership on the chapter or lodge level. You can become a Brotherhood member at any of our three lodge weekends, as well as at Resica Fall Scout Reservation during the summer. To sign-up and seal the bond, head over to the Lodge Calendar.

Key Contacts

Questions? Head over to the contact form and ask one of our lodge committees, or contact one of the leaders of the lodge listed below.

Martin S. - Lodge Chief - [email protected]

Theodore “Todge” Sutkowski - Lodge Adviser - [email protected]

John Bickel - Lodge Staff Adviser - [email protected]